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Current Activities

Steady & Ongoing

  1.  Fananapazir's Fireside

  2. Sylvia & Larry's Devotional

  3. Deb & Steve Vance's Interfaith work

    1. Festival of Faiths​

    2. Sacred Connections

    3. Wings​

  4. Nabil's Devotional​

  5. Nabi's Deepening

  6. Study Circle - Book 8

  7. Prayers on the Porch

  8. Prayers - Voice of America Park

  9. Fananapazir's Religion/Scripture Discussion

  10. Study Circle - Book 1

  11. Jr. Youth virtual / SEP

  12. Children's class - virtual

  13. InterFaith -  Friends for Good / Jr Youth

  14. All Levels Yoga w/ Will will hopefully start soon at the Baha'i Center / Mats & props provided. 

The goal of the community of the Greatest Name must aspire to fulfill during the current series of global plans is to establish programs of intensive growth in all the clusters in the world.

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