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Baha'i Center Gardens


Create decorative and edible gardens

Utilize within Children's classes and a community context 

Teach responsibility and sustainability 

Learn how to harvest, cook and serve to the community

Learn from food banks

Learn about health & Nutrition by Eating Healthy Organic Food


This program does not have to be started or led by a Baha'i. However, the LSA may assist whosoever may arise with the motivation, character and qualifications to initiate the creation of the garden and facilitate the above objectives. 


Jade has expressed a great interest to help in this project and was tempted to head it up. However, she doesn't feel knowledgeable enough about gardening to do so. Nevertheless, if you or someone you know feels up to the task Jade (and Will) will be happy to help!

Sound good to you? If you would like to help us get this program going send an email to:

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